Friday, November 04, 2005

Hong Kong

Ok, so, I arrived in Hong Kong late last night at about 11pm. The flight was really good, despite not being seated next to a young, hot, international cricket player. Instead, I was seated next to a lovely chinese lady, and THEN her screen didn't work, so she had to move, so I had the two seats all to myself. So I unpacked everything, and set it all up on the next seat....tissues, drinks, book, ipod, lip balm....but then, didn't even read or listen to ipod, because the inflight entertainment was so damn good! They had series of Little Britain, The Office, House, Nighty-Night (NOT a good show, but had to give it a go for Bredoir's sake), and heaps of movies. I watched Red Eye...which I highly recommend, and I also watched The Perfect Catch....very, very lame.

So, then I arrived in Hong Kong Airport, where they gave us health warnings about Avian Flu. Namely "If you handle live poultry, wash your hands afterwards". Got it.

Was very hot outside, despite it being 11pm. Struggled onto awesome airconditioned bus with Suitcase, rucksack and backpack...doubling my body weight. Dragged it to my pre-booked hostel, where I was welcomed with "Tracy! you made a reservation yes?" YES! "OK, we give your room away, and have no more room". LOVELY!

So she calls some random lady who comes and leads me away through causeway bay. She could not speak english, so I was slightly worried, could have been to a whore house or crack den...but I was too sleepy to think more on it...luckily was just to a similar hostel. Dodgy plus. Amanda, will not take photo of room, because I do NOT recommend you stay there when you come to Hong Kong.

So I slept really really late today, and then just started to walk around Causeway Bay. Very busy area, with a lot of Western food...KFC, Macca's, Starbucks, Deli France, even a Mrs Fields cookies!! I swear I will not eat at these places...well, I had a Haagen Daazs...but that doesn't count, cause it is kind of exotic. Have seen millions of places that sell soy chicken, so think I am set.

Shops are awesome, Christina, you would be in heaven. I may have accidentally bought some boots. However, they are awesome. they are soft and warm, and will be perfect for London. I don't know, they were kind of expensive, but you know, in these foreign currencies...who can tell? it is like Monopoly money...(should have known, that anything that has four figures in the price may be a bit much). The sales assistant unhelpfully translated the price to aussie dollars for me, but I pretended he was talking to someone else.

Now I am in Tsim Sha Tsui....I think that is how you spell it. I caught the train over here, cause I bought some pass that gives me as many free train trips as I like (again, not sure about the price, choosing to ignore it). So tonight I will study the map and tomorrow will go everywhere I can find.

Walking around is pretty interesting, but Amanda, you would die. There are a million pet shops, with all these puppies shoved into little tiny cages together...they are cute, but still, I realise, is cruel. And there are these things piled high everywhere, in glass cabinets that are as tall as me, and are out on the footpath. At first glance, I thought was some kind of vegetable, cause was dark green and small, but on closer inspection, one blinked at me!! They are gazillions of little crabs! little green crabs, piled up on top of each other! And don't even start me on the DUCKLINGS that are strung up in the restaurants. Amanda, maybe don't open your eyes if you come to Hong Kong.

I am feeling pretty safe, it is so busy all the time. But I am no longer using my backpack, as I was constantly whipping my head around whenever anyone bumped into me to make sure they weren't stealing from me...I looked like an absolute mental. So now I am using my handbag, and fancy myself to look quite the local.

Well, that is all for now. I always thought I wouldn't have anything to say on this blog, but look at that. I do.

I know you are all hanging out for the photo of Kim and I, but I haven't yet figured out how to put it up,...everyone just hold your horses. Or email Bredoir if you want a copy ;) I hear she has been showing EVERY MAN AND HIS DOG!!!


Nick said...

Welcome to the world of the blogger trakka, soon you will be a self obsessed intro-spectator like the rest of us. Enjoy!

See you soon.

Arun said...

Her screen didnt work so she had to move eh? More likely she complained about sitting next to a pie-eater and was allowed to move!

futureshock101 said...

Don't worry about people stealing from you trakka. Just tie it to you and forget about it... It's the things that arent connected that will go astray....

Welcome to travel and see you soon!

Anonymous said...

Haagen Daazs is kinda exotic? I give you about 12 more hours until you're face down in a bucket of KFC (or wearing it as a hat A team style).

You'll be happy to know that you got a security breach this morning Trace. Apparently you're drawers we chock a block with measure descriptions. Whooops!


Anonymous said...

It has only been a few weeks since you left and I find myself distracted in meetings thinking about the void you have left in the office. Thank God for the blog site.