Thursday, November 10, 2005

Crack Den my Arse!

Yes, thats right, I am SUCH a lady, putting up a title like that. But you see, what a blog means, is that I can put up, unedited, anything I like, and it won't be rewritten, or tweaked, no suggestions will be made and no value will be added. Who would have thought that there could be so much joy in something being 'published' as all your own words? (Even if it is rubbish from beginning to end.)

Now, where was I? Oh right, crack den. Apparently, with my tight-arsed-ness approach to renting, I can only afford to live in a crackden, or MAYBE if I'm lucky, a crackhouse. Now I don't mind not living in a fancy-pants, luxury apartment, but I like basic hygiene levels. I realise now that I have been spoiled by over a year living with Tina Lee, and before that I hired a cleaner, before that I had a live-in lover/cleaner, and before THAT I lived with my mother. All these houses were kept very clean. I shouldn't have gotten used to that, cause NOW I am going to have to pay a lot of coin for similar hygiene levels. I am going to have to choose between two of the most important facets of my I going to be a princess or a tightarse? (wish I had voting buttons for that one! Maybe vote via comments).

Alright, enough sooking about that. Is of no consequence that I am unemployed and consequence at all. will be fine. Character building, surely... right?

Maybe I should put something positive in here now...ok, lets see. Daniel has taken time off work to show me around London. We have been to the British Museum (for information overload), all through the city, Hyde Park and the palace, up to Camden town...lots of things. I even found the China town and many soy-chicken restaurants!!

On Tuesday I went to farewell Sue-Ellen down in Sutton. Unfortunately she has to go home to Australia for a few months...just as I got here dammit. But it was excellent to see her, and I cannot wait until she gets back.

Most exciting of all...I am going to Paris next Thursday to meet Bredoir!Hooray!


Anonymous said...

Tough choice, though I think tightarsedness may win the day.

Anonymous said...

Tough choice, though I think tightarsedness may win the day.

Anonymous said...

And absolutely no idea why that posted twice. Same time even.

You know, you could get a job as a cleaner! All problems solved! ha ha ha ha.