Thursday, June 22, 2006

For Nicholas

It appears that Nicholas is of the opinion that my blogging skills are just not up to scratch. So to prove him wrong I am posting from the resort computers on IOS!!!! (Greek Island).

I will do a proper post on my trip when I get back and can write it in my own time, but I will just let you know that I am having a great time and have so far been to Athens, Mykonos, Paros and Ios.

Ios is the biggest party Island of them all, and it is the home of my first drunken night in probably about six months! I stayed out till 5am if you can believe it and would have partied longer but was dragged back to the resort. It turns out that there is a cocktail called Sex on the Beach that tastes a lot like juice and costs only 3 Euros!!! Good times indeed.

Anyway, I cannot post anymore as I am still on holidays and would rather be out on the beach!!!!

Will post more when I have when I am back at work.



Anonymous said...

Hi Trace

Just wanted to say hello - haven't forgotten you, I just suck at remembering to comment on your blog.

Well like Tines I have fled the Finance nest and am joining Jess at AGS, where I have been lured with the promise of 2 cake days a week.

Also, I am now trying to make hot chocolate in a bowl, in honour of you, and found out it spills even more easily that way.

Glan you're having fun!



Nick said...

thank you tracy.

You didn't bump into heather did you? She would have been the one sitting in the corner dreaming of her big hunk of spunk back in London instead of drinking shots and dancing.

Anonymous said...

Hey trakka... I'm moving to the UK in January 2007, and as I've done with Nick, I want to pick your brains before I leave.

For starters, where are you working? Do you have an email addy I can contact you on?

Rob T

Trakka said...

Nicholas - Heather told me not to tell you what I saw her doing. I wouldn't know how to describe it anyway...

Rob - I would rather not post my email address. You know the people I know, any of them will be able to give you my work email.